Monday, September 30, 2013

Why everyone must know Nick Vujicic!!

"Limitations exist in the mind", this is what my father has repeatedly told me several times in my life when I found myself deeply affected or saddened by something I couldn't do or have. I was an obese child, thanks to the eating that I did to counter my loneliness or lack of attention as my parents were busy professionals, and depressed because that meant no friends and snide remarks. I would always wonder why the hell does my life have to be so bad.

Add to that a personal life that was so so unfulfilled that I have at times considered leaving everything behind me and just go to a mountain top and find some peace. Not realizing that the cold itself is killing but that imagined state of peaceful bliss felt far more worth it than the nutsy life I was living. A year ago I was in the same state again, not knowing where to turn to, I turned to god, to find real answers to my questions: What's life? Why are we here anyway? why are people mean? why cant love spread? Why do we live like ignorant fools even after being educated? Is happiness and contentment guaranteed if I live the life this world aspires to live or is it all a lie? So on and so forth. I have been depressed, pooped pills and everything that a person has to do to get out of it. Trouble is that I never realized why am I there in the first place!

It was more because I was feeling worthless and unwanted, why? Because I was around people who would only criticize but not appreciate. I realized I was around the wrong set of people and I was so weak that I let myself drown in the negativity they threw at me! That is when I came across a video of this man without hands or legs talking about what life means to him, no I do not know Nick Vujicic personally. But when I sat there, a defeated person, I realized there is so much anyone can achieve if they only choose to. To hell with people and their opinions!

It is remarkable to see the man get married and have a child, because a couple of years ago he gave a speech to a bunch of schoolkids and said hey I don't know who the girl in my life is yet but I am sure I will find her! I was so flabbergasted with this man's conviction that I was more happy for him than anyone else that he finally got married and has a child. Not because I pitied him, but because of the assurance that it gives me that have the conviction and faith in yourself and you will get there just when it seemed impossible!

There are three things this man taught me:

1) Accept your chemistry - the way you are born is something you cant change but what you can do with what you have is limitless! Just don't give up. He doesn't talk like he never had issues, hell no since he goes on to say that he tried committing suicide at one point. So in a way it does mean that he isn't in denial but is in great love and acceptance of himself!

2) Love unconditionally: If you have been there and been treated wrong then you know what I mean when I talk about being loved unconditionally! Often times we are with people because of certain things that they exude and not necessarily because we really feel like being there for them, this holds true of our friends, spouses and acquaintances! Although its something that's very aspirational, its really an empty living! Nick says love the people unconditionally, like god does. Turn to god when you feel unloved, when you feel you are in a storm, find the peace that god's with you in your struggles and find your anchor in him. I couldn't agree more with him, it has been my need to turn to god during my troubled days that has kept me alive despite my challenges. I remember telling a friend, when I am screwed up I go to god, I do not turn to men for sex, alcohol or crazy living! It has saved me a lot of misery and I can personally vouch for it.

3) You have your limitations but do not give up your dreams: Ah this is a tough one! Because everyone of us aspires for some job of our dreams, that beloved or some great house or that great trip. I just have to say that at times it sounds unattainable, probably you feel you will never get there, but look at this man! He had not met the girl of his life and with such conviction he says "I haven't found the girl yet but I want to save myself for her, its ok, she isn't here right now but I know I will get her". It seemed impossible as a listener but i never doubted the conviction with which he said those words! And now that I see him where he is, it just goes to show that he was right! That he really knew where he wanted to be. And that really is the difference between us and a man who uses probably more than 20 percent of his brain!

Whatever your situations are, get over it, become positively charged than pulling yourself down. If that man can get there and get there with such class then so can everyone of us, it doesn't matter if you are dark, fat or short, underpaid, not so intelligent or qualified! Married, single or crazy but have the conviction that you will get what you want and start working towards it!

Cheers! To each and everyone of us!


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